Welcome to Lubbesthorpe Christians Together

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07847 362965 or email lubbesthorpechristians@gmail.com

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Lubbesthorpe Christians Together is a registered charity No: 1201805

Welcome to Lubbesthorpe Christians Together.

To find the very latest details of when and what we get up to follow our Facebook page or join our whatsapp community.

email : lubbesthorpechristians@gmail.com

or call Sue on 07847 362965

Our Story

Lubbesthorpe Christians Together (LCT) grew out of a project started by Churches Together in Leicestershire (CTiL) way back in 2014 when the New Lubbesthorpe Development was just in planning stages. After establishing a partnership with Blaby District Council, Churches Together employed Sue Steer as Pioneer Community Worker in 2016 as the first foundations of New Lubbesthorpe were being laid. The role was firstly to see a healthy community develop for everyone and secondly, when there was interest from residents, to see a Christian community seeded. From May 2018 a small group of Christians started to meet to pray and eat together to seek to join in with God's mission in Lubbesthorpe. This became known as Heart and Soul.

In 2020 Lubbesthorpe Alive CIC (www.lubbesthorpealive.org.uk) was established as a community development social enterprise in The Hub and the Heart & Soul group continued under their umbrella. Over time two other faith communities developed - Mossy Church and Monday morning prayers. In 2023 the Christian Community became a Charity in their own right called Lubbesthorpe Christians Together. We continue to remain in association with Lubbesthorpe Alive CIC and Churches Together in Leicestershire.

We are an inclusive community and beyond Mossy Church and Monday Morning Prayers in The Hub we meet in homes as well as joining in

comunity events.

Retro Pride Colored Line Band

Monday Prayers

Every Monday at 8am in The Hub

and via zoom for

15 minutes of prayer and reflection.

Prayers for our community and ourselves

email: lubbesthorpechristians@gmail.com

for the zoom link

Monthly Gathering

Gathering in our homes for meals, communion, conversation about our faith in everyday life and sharing

our faith in Lubbesthorpe.

Usually on a Tuesday evening.

Next Gathering on 23rd July. Get in contact if you’d like to join us.

Group of People Eating Together
Man Sitting and Reading the Bible



All ages welcome

2:30pm at The Hub

First Sunday of each month

Storytelling, Crafting, Conversation and

Nature Activities

We meet monthly and have something for all ages

House Blessings

Living in a new community means there are lots of new homes being moved into each month and so we love to offer the chance for us to visit for a house blessing.

What’s happens? A small group of us will visit your home and through prayer seek God’s blessings for you and all who enter your home. You’re welcome to invite family, friends and maybe new neighbours to join, and perhaps enjoy some food or a cuppa together afterwards.

We’ll happily fit in with what works for you, we’re here to help you in settling into your new surroundings and to offer prayers of blessing for this exciting phase of your life.

Rev Sue Steer

Community Minister

Sue has pioneered in Lubbesthorpe since the very first foundations were laid for the new houses in 2016. Employed by Churches Together in Leicestershire for the first 6 years, Sue went on to form Lubbesthorpe Alive CIC for Community Development work with local residents and now works for them part-time along with Lubbesthorpe Christians Together CIO which was formed in early 2023.

Sue is an accredited Baptist Minister with an ecumenical and community heart. Having worked in community engagement for 16 years, she believes that at the heart of Christianity is a God who loves community, people and the world and wants us to do the same.

You can contact Sue on 07847 362965.


Pioneer Community Ministers

Karen & Karl moved to Lubbesthorpe purposefully in 2023 to join the pioneering Christian work on the new estate. Karl is an accredited baptist minister. Karen as a qualified teacher has taken initiative in local schools over many years. With their extensive background in community ministries, they are now self-funded residents and serve as Pioneer Community Ministers. Here in Lubbesthorpe they operate an 'open house': to welcome all and come alongside anyone who wishes to explore faith in Jesus